About Us

ABOUT green devil energy

Providing Quality Solar Services

Green energy and the provision of solar power is one of the most inept, corrupt and poorly delivered markets that ever existed. It is, in short, the Wild West with the majority of systems being installed being highly compromised and in some cases utterly useless.

We know, we have been there, spent the money and suffered the consequences ourselves, we have lost tens of thousands of pounds installing equipment that was either unsuitable or unworkable.

Rather than give up on what is a morally and financially responsible exercise we decided to create our own test site so that we could accurately collate energy usage and collection data and properly apply that to the right equipment and design so that we might firstly be able to learn what is needed but then share that with others – first hard data and experience.

Our Research and Design site enables us to accurately measure energy collection, distribution and usage for domestic, commercial and mixed consumption.

We can advise you how much and what system you need to install for any operation raging from low use residential to high use commercial.

We are able to accurately advise on what systems to use and install to power indoor and outdoor swimming pools, spas, multiple EV charging and advise on the administrative process required for grid connection and monitoring.

Learn from our mistakes and our successes so you can avoid the former and collect on the latter.